Improving your emotional well-being by providing quality mental health.
Serving all of Grandview, Reynoldsburg, Westerville, and Worthington Ohio!
Useful Resources
At the Tip of Your Fingers

Emergency Contact
The numbers listed are answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Life and death emergency - Call 911!!!
Suicide Prevention Hotline -
Teen Hotline - 614.294.3300
Senior Hotline - 614.294.3309
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1.800.273.TALK (8255)
LGBTQ+ Teens - 1.866.4.U.TREVOR (488.7386)
Netcare Access - 614.274.2273
Memory Care:
Community Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous
Al Anon 614.547.1550
Narcotics Anonymous
Celebrate Recovery
Co-Dependents Anonymous 614.270.5588
Star House assists with underage homelessness. 614.826.5868
Equitas Health provides various programs geared towards the LGBTQ+ community.
Huckleberry House: works with Central Ohio's youth and families who are dealing with some of the most difficult problems imaginable. Issues like abuse, violence, neglect, poverty, and homelessness.
Memory Care: works with over 220,000 Ohio residents 65+ with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.